"Gothic… hidden… behind the veneer of virtue." (Edgar Allan Poe)

Gothic Consequences, November 21–24, 2013, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Gothic Consequences starts in -4031 days, -4 hours and -49 minutes!

Sword Day

The Mad King Olaf is dead and his son the Crown Prince Harold is to take the sword Bargash to reign in his place. However such things are not simple. Until the time is right it is said Bargash will kill anyone who dares take it. Harold has gathered his Council of Nobles for this auspicious day to make the formal proclamation. However the great houses fight among themselves and peck at the remains House Steward. Will Harold lead his country to civil war? Or can he give the Cantons, Westerlings and Markhams what they want?

Author(s):Mike Cule, Nick Curd, Adrienne Gammons, John Kammer and Charlie Paull
Game EMail:curdnick AT googlemail DOT com
Nick "Nick" Curd    curdnick AT googlemail DOT com
Charlie "SunLion" Paull    charlie AT alanpaull DOT co DOT uk
Lead GM:Nick Curd
Organization:Peaky Games
Game System:n/a
Information for Players:The game contains mature adult themes that involve all characters that cover a wide range of topics including potential incest of characters.
Home Page:http://uk-freeforms.wikidot.com/peaky http://peakygames.wikidot.com/
Male Players:Min: 6 / Max: 6
Female Players:Min: 3 / Max: 3
Neutral Players:Min: 1 / Max: 1
Total Players: Min: 10 / Max: 10
 You must be logged in to signup for this game 

Curd, Nick

After last year I'm running more games, playing in less (for sanity sake) and have been bribed with free [s]fruit[/s] chocolate to spend time on the Ops desk first thing in the morning. Looking forward to seeing many people I don't get to see anywhere near as often as I'd like to.

Paull, Charlie

Alan & I bring and run the boardgames library at Consequences. We're happy to teach, play or lend boardgames at any time. We have a wide range from absolute beginner to genuine geek and all stops in between.

I also write, run and play freeforms. This year I'm running our new game Old Nick's Game as well as Sword Day and playing in a few others.