"We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released." (Jean Houston)

Extraordinary Consequences, November 17-20, 2011, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset
Extraordinary Consequences starts in -4863 days, -20 hours and -54 minutes!

Consequences Convention Rules

The Most Important Rule of All

Have a good time! Have a great time! Have a grand time! Just have fun!

Do Unto Others

Treat other convention attendees in a generally civilized fashion. Abusive, insulting, intimidating, bothersome, or outwardly illegal behavior will not be tolerated.

Do Not Freak the Mundanes

Remember there are non convention-going guests on the site, although we have all the lodges allocated to us there are some semi-permanent residents. Please go ahead and use the lodge areas for gaming, and partying but be considerate of other people.

No Smoking in the main building

If you wish to smoke, please go to a designated public smoking area (outside).

Weapons Policy

Larp and other weapons are not to be used outside of the game space. This includes toy weapons, "boffers," or anything that is liable to trip others. Please use common sense. Do not wander around waving toy guns or knives, even brightly coloured plastic ones, keep them confined into game spaces.

Staying in the lodges

Each lodge has a number of twin or double rooms. Each room should have no more than two occupants. Sleeping in public areas of the camp or in the convention areas is forbidden.

Be Nice to the Site

You may only tape something to the walls if you use light masking tape or architect’s tape, which will leave no residue and will not damage the paint. The convention has a limited amount of tape available which it can loan to games as needed.

Alcohol Policy

Consequences reserves the right to deny entry to anyone who has been drinking excessively. We're not averse to people having a drink but be sensible!

There are multiple bars in the main building, and there is usually a party going on somewhere in the evenings.

Operations Staff

Please report to Ops Staff or the Con Chair any incident in which a member of the convention ignores the rules of the convention stated above. Consequences reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the membership of anyone for any just cause. An Ops Staff member can always be found at the Ops desk during regular Operations hours. If Naish observes a guest violating any of the above rules, they reserve the right to have that guest removed from the property without refund.

Consequences is not responsible for any lost or stolen property, although there will be a box at the Ops Desk for things you leave behind, unless we really like them, tiaras are always especially welcome!