Gothic Consequences, November 21–24, 2013, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset Gothic Consequences starts in -4128 days, -14 hours and -29 minutes!
The following people are in charge of various aspects of the Consequences G convention:
Con Chair | Steve Bassett | |
Advertising | Steve Bassett | |
Game Bids | Dream Cloutman-Green | |
GM Coordinator | Jon Cloutman-Green | |
Site Liaison | Alison Rider-Hill | |
Operations | Steve Bassett | |
Outreach | Steve Bassett | |
Registration and Event Signup |
Steve Bassett | |
Trader Liaison | Jon Cloutman-Green | |
Boardgames | Charlie and Alan Paull | |
Con chair 2012-13
Most people think that Dream is a professional organizer!
This is not true she has retained her amateur statues in the hope that organisation will be named as an event in the 2012 Olympics.
In the last few years she has been in rigorous training with exercises such as wedding planning, property acquisition, game writing and an exhaustive resistance training regime masterminded by her head coach and husband Jon Cloutman-Green and facilitated by her two assistant coaches Colin Wallace and Andrew The Ditch Ditchburn.
When asked what the future holds for this up and coming organisational star she said I'm hoping to work closely with professional Organisarians such as Sue and Nickey ... maybe in some kind of writing capacity. Whatever Dreams future holds she is definitely one to watch.
Alan & I bring and run the boardgames library at Consequences. We're happy to teach, play or lend boardgames at any time. We have a wide range from absolute beginner to genuine geek and all stops in between.
I also write, run and play freeforms. This year I'm running our new game Old Nick's Game as well as Sword Day and playing in a few others.
Mo Holkar –
Mo is part of the Epic Experience collective, who recently celebrated our twentieth year writing freeforms.
Lately he's been writing stuff with other people too, including some experimental-style bits and bobs at this Consequences. Watch out!
Mo is also responsible for maintaining and upgrading the Consequences website and database system.
Sue Lee – OMG I've not written my game. ARGGGGGGH!!!!!!
Oh hang on....
I'm not writing a game for this year's con. It's all good. I'm running someone else's. Yay!
And I get to go shopping for swag
Richard Salmon –
Richard has been playing freeforms for rather too many years now
In 2004 he was part of the writing & GM team for Siege of Troy and has been
hindering Consequences since its inception by providing the platform upon which
Mo works the magic of the web site
Having still not managed to write or help write a game of his own, this year he
is helping with the Time Travel Review Board
Tony Mitton –
Jason Gorringe –
Anonymised User – Well what to say...been around a long time, made some fantastic friends out of the hobby and really believe this is one of the best ways you can spend your time on. Done everything from boardgames to Live action roleplays and Freeforms, and im always pleased to try something new. Come and have a natter -games, beer, and good company and friendship. What more could a person want!!
Dream Cloutman-Green – Most people think that Dream is a professional organizer!
This is not true she has retained her amateur statues in the hope that organisation will be named as an event in the 2012 Olympics.
In the last few years she has been in rigorous training with exercises such as wedding planning, property acquisition, game writing and an exhaustive resistance training regime masterminded by her head coach and husband Jon Cloutman-Green and facilitated by her two assistant coaches Colin Wallace and Andrew The Ditch Ditchburn.
When asked what the future holds for this up and coming organisational star she said I'm hoping to work closely with professional Organisarians such as Sue and Nickey ... maybe in some kind of writing capacity. Whatever Dreams future holds she is definitely one to watch.
Steve Bassett – Con chair 2012-13
Andrew Smith – AJ long ago decided that his best way to get into Brian's games was to help run them. More recently, he extended this policy to Tony's games. So far, this strategy is working well ...
Richard Wood –
Dave Collis – Quietly snoozes his way through life and games. Has recently spoken with one of the Oracles and was pleased to discover that the omens are good this year.