Heroic Consequences, November 20–23, 2014, Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset Heroic Consequences starts in -3763 days, -21 hours and -16 minutes!
Benefits | |
Comped Memberships | |
Advertising | |
Policies | |
Game Registrations | |
Weapons | |
Candles or Fire | |
Wall Hangings | |
Services | |
Game Space | |
Consequences Ops Staff |
Thanks for bidding a game, now that it has been accepted please sign up for the GM email list (or this list for tabletop GMs) which we will be using to keep you informed of sign up dates, room allocations, and lots of other good stuff which you will need to know about. This will be an information list which we will use to send out information. All your queries and replies should be addressed our GM Liaison Jon Cloutman jonathan.cloutman@gmail.com.
There are some benefits to being an Consequences GM.
We want to encourage as many people as possible to have the chance to participate in as many games as possible. We also want to encourage as many people as possible not to have to pay us £25 or more to do so. The way you get to attend the convention with all its benefits of game booking, trade hall, and as many games as you can play is to run games.
LARPS: You get 2 free GM con memberships per game, and up to £1 per player per game back in expenses (please provide receipts).
We make a concerted effort to get word about all of our games out as far and as wide as we can. Your game is part of that advertising. If you have specific advertising material, please make sure our Games Coordinator has copies, so that we can distribute it wherever we go.
Word of mouth is the most powerful tool we have in promoting Consequences, and our GMs are our best promoters. We'd appreciate your help in getting players to register for your game, and for others. The Con Committee will be working hard to make sure that Consequences is the best all-LARP con there is, to attract players from all around the world.
Try and encourage other folks to register now, if you can. We want to start a positive feedback loop. The earlier we can announce a strong schedule, the more players will be attracted to the con. That will mean we'll have to go out and find more games, which will draw more players, and so on... If you know of people who want to play in your game, tell them the best way to guarantee their spot is to register now. That will allow them to sign up online as soon as we open registration for your game.
For the most part, the staff of Consequences and the hotel are pretty lax about what you can and cannot do during the convention. There are a few rules, however, that do need to be followed. It is important to follow these policies, otherwise the Con may not be welcomed back to Naish.
Consequences follows a strict first come, first serve policy when it comes to game registrations. If there is someone who must be in your game, the best solution is to have them sign up early, to make sure they get in. Alternatively, you have the option of making them a GM for your game.
The site is very concerned about scaring the other residents with real looking weapons (and rightfully so). As such, they have requested that any weapons used in a game must be obvious fakes. The Consequences staff recognizes that this may not be practical for all games as tone and mood setting are very important aspects of a LARP. If your game requires the use of weapons that could be construed as real, we ask the following:
If this policy is not strictly adhered to, the site has the right to expel the player or game in question without warning. Consequences staff will issue one warning; if this policy is violated a second time, the player and/or the game may asked to leave.
Candles are not allowed by Naish, but we have a limited number of battery powered candles, which we can loan to games, if you tell us that you need them. Please send an email to the GM liaison to let us know. No naked flames are allowed.
You may hang things on the wall provided you use masking tape. Consequences Ops may have a small amount of masking tape on hand, but it is recommended that you bring your own supply.
Consequences rents all the conference space available on the site. We encourage you to review the layout, which we will post as soon as we receive it from Naish.
It is important that you let us know your space requirements as soon as you understand those requirements. We cannot guarantee that you will receive the room(s) that you request. We need to know your sense of space requirements in general; we will do our best to give you the best possible game space. However, we have to fit all of the games at the con in your timeslot(s), which may mean some creativity in meeting your space needs. Final space assignments are probably not possible until a month or so before the convention.
Consequences Operations Staff and Naish Staff are available throughout the Con to assist you. Operations will help you set up and break down your game. If you know that your game may have a difficult set up or break down, please let us know so that we may assign extra people to it. Operations Staff will also be around during the running of your game.