Player Allocation Process

We have more people interested than we have spaces in the game, so we will be adopting the UK Freeforms process to assign initial places in the game and the waitlist. We have made some small changes to the process and we welcome comments to: gateways-admin

It is entirely possible that you will not agree with the process and/or the results. However, after carefully considering the representations made by multiple parties, UK Freeforms have adopted the system of allocation set out below. They would respectfully ask you to accept their decision and abide by it. They will not be entering into any further discussion of the merits of the chosen system or otherwise. They will use this system for all future games where the expected number of interested players exceeds the spaces available.

Commentary however is welcomed, and may be taken into account, if the process requires refinement, in future years.

The full details of the process can be found in the PDF here. The information following on this page is an attempt to present the details of the process in a more accessible format, but the PDF should be treated as the 'official' version of the process.

Executive Summary

There’s going to be a lottery for places in the game. A certain number of spaces will be set aside for newcomers and those who are putting in the work to make games happen. If you’re in a couple/family/other group; you will need to decide if you want to be considered separately or as a unit.

Process Details

Registering an interest for the game

The Lottery

For avoidance of doubt any fees paid towards a game are not transferrable to future games.

If you have any specific questions that aren't answered on the site please email gateways-admin